
The governing body’s main responsibility is to provide strategic leadership for the school, working under guidelines established by Ormiston Academies Trust.

A ‘Welcome’ from our Chair of Governors, Andy Peck

Dear Parents and Carers,

As Chair of the Local Governing Body, I would like to welcome you to Ormiston Herman Academy. We are a body of volunteers committed to ensuring the academies are the best they can be and provide for all the pupils in our care. We are supported in our roles by the Ormiston Academies Trust. There are three main areas of our work: to ensure there is a clear vision for the academies, to hold leaders to account for the standards in the academies, and to ensure finances are managed effectively.

We hope your children enjoy their time at Ormiston Herman Academy and look forward to meeting you in the future.

Best wishes,
Andy Peck

The Local Governing Body, and the Strategic Progress Board meet at least once each term.

  • Interim Chair of the Governing Body – Andy Peck
  • Chair of the Strategic Progress Board – Rebecca Bierton, Primary Director

The governing body’s main responsibility is to provide strategic leadership for the school, working under guidelines established by Ormiston Academies Trust, these include:

  • Developing and supporting the strategic plan for the academy.
  • Ensuring accountability.
  • Challenging and supporting the Heads of School.
  • Monitoring and evaluating the performance of the academy.
  • Managing the academy budgets.
  • Setting the aims and policies for the academy.
  • Supporting the appointment of members of staff.

To achieve this, all governors attend a Local Governing Body meeting at least once a term. Governors also monitor the performance of the academy through formal and informal visits, volunteering at the academy and feedback from pupils, parents, and other community members.

You do not need to have specific training or have a child attend Ormiston Herman Academy to become a governor. All we ask is that you are willing to give at least a few hours a month and have a desire to contribute to the continued development of the academy.

All successful applicants will be given an induction and given the opportunity to attend training to further develop their skills and abilities.

If you are interested in volunteering as a school governor and would like to find out more, please contact the governing body or the academy.

Ormiston Herman Academy Office: [email protected]

The governing body consistently seeks feedback regarding the academy and its performance, from our stakeholders. If you have any comments or suggestions to make Ormiston Herman Academy a better academy, please get in touch with us using the contact details below.

Please note that governors are not involved in the day to day running of the academy, as this is delegated to the Heads of School. If you have a particular query regarding your child, you should first speak to the class teacher or Head of School.

You can contact the governing body by:

  • Emailing [email protected], ensuring you clearly mark the email ‘For the attention of the Chair of Governors’.
  • Leaving a message at the school office.
  • Writing to: The Governing Body, Ormiston Herman Academy, Oriel Avenue, Gorleston-on-Sea, Norfolk NR31 7JL