
Ormiston Herman Academy is a primary academy which operates under Ormiston Academies Trust.  Our admissions procedure is set out in accordance with statutory legislation and has been determined by the Trust.

Ormiston Herman Academy welcomes all applications.

All parents of children who will be 4+ on 1st September 2024 will be offered a full-time place from September 2024. Parents are entitled to defer their admission or request that their child attend on a part time basis, however the child must start school on a full-time basis on the prescribed day following their fifth birthday (or on their fifth birthday if it falls on a prescribed day). The prescribed days are 31st December 31st March and 31st August.

Where a parent defers their start date the place is held and cannot be offered to another child.

However, the admission can only be delayed within the academic year. This means the admission must take place by the Summer Term 2024. Places cannot be held until the following Autumn Term for those children who are five during the preceding summer term.

Summer born children do not reach compulsory school age until the following September when they are 5+. At this point the child must start full time education.

Parents of summer born children (those born between 1st April and 31st August) can request consideration for their child to join a Reception class rather than a Year One class and the admission authority will consider parental requests and make decisions based on the circumstances of each case and in the best interests of the child.

Where a request is agreed their application will be considered alongside all other applications for a Reception place and will be prioritised using the over-subscription rules as published.

Parents are encouraged to visit the Academy with their child if they are planning to apply for a place and we have a number of open days during the year. Arrangements for visits outside of these dates can be made through the Academy office.

Please find OAT admissions policies and prospectus attached at the bottom of this page.

Ormiston Herman Academy requires parents to use the Norfolk County Council’s common application process to apply for a place for their child(ren).

Please visit the NCC Admissions website here.

Alternatively, contact can be made by email, postal address or telephone.

[email protected]

Children’s Services Department
8th Floor
County Hall
Martineau Lane

0344 800 8020

In the case of over subscription, priority will be given to applicants without an education and health care plan or statement of special educational needs (see further details below) in the following order of priority:

  • Looked After and previously Looked After children (Previously looked after children are children who were looked after and ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a Residence Order or Special Guardianship Order
  • Children who live in the catchment area and have siblings attending the academy at the time of their admission.
  • Children who live within the catchment area.
  • Children who live outside of the catchment area with siblings attending the academy at the time of their admission.
  • Children living outside the catchment area and have no siblings attending the academy at the time of admission.

If all children within any of the above rules cannot be offered a place, the highest priority will be given to children living nearest to the school within that rule. To determine who lives nearest, distance will be measured on a straight line “crow fly” basis, using Ordnance Survey data.

Where two dwellings with the same front entrance the closest dwelling to the front door (lower floor and counting clockwise) will be regarded as being closer to the academy.

Where a child lives at two different addresses, the ‘home’ address will be determined as the address at which the child resides for the majority of the week, where the child is registered with the doctor and/ or where the child benefit is paid.

The measurement will be taken from the Post Office postcode address point on the child’s home to the Post Office postcode address point on the school.

Where a child’s EHCP or statement of Special Educational Needs names Ormiston Herman Academy, the school must endeavour to work with the parents to provide a suitable placement for the pupil.  Most EHCP decisions will be made before the main allocation of places to Reception each year. These children will count towards the academy’s admission numbers.